How do I promote my art? Yesterday morning we woke up to an email from a creator we’d supported on Metalabel: Lavisha Jain, who recently released a series of digital marks and prints. Their email read: This email is a form of thanking you for buying my art pieces. This keeps me motivated to create
New Creative Era Episode 03: Why collaboration should feel like a conspiracy This week in New Creative Era, Josh and Yancey dive into the topic of collaboration. What have we learned about collaboration? How have we become part of collaborative projects? What went well? What didn’t? Why do the best ones feel like a conspiracy? Listen here, Apple, Spotify, or wherever
Tips for pricing your release When we control how we want our work to circulate, it also means we get to control how we assign value to it. Personal impact, reach and scale, audience, and price are all different tools to assign and measure multi-dimensional value. Price is a particularly sticky area because how it
New Creative Era Episode 02: How to tell the story of your work A conversation about how to have a conversation about what you creatively do
New Creative Era Episode 01: How to create context and release your work The first episode of a new podcast from Joshua Citarella, Yancey Strickler, and Metalabel